Томас и его Друзья вики
Томас и его Друзья вики
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Давайте прокатимся (англ. Come for the Ride), или же Зажигаем на железной дороге (англ. Rockin' on the Railway), - песня из пятого сезона.

Текст песни[]

All your friends on the railway would like you all to see
Just how much fun rockin' on the railway can be
So won't you come along and join them for the ride
Just hang on tight, catch your breath and come for the ride!


Rockin', rockin' on the railway, Rollin', rollin' on the railway
Movin', movin' down the line, Swingin', sway from side to side
They'll be rockin' an' a-rollin' won't you come for the ride of your life
Watch Duncan go, he can really rock 'n' roll
He can slip, he can slide, he can sway from side to side
So when you hear him coming and you hear his whistle blow
You'd better step aside 'cause he can go go go!


Rockin', rockin' on the railway, Rollin', rollin' on the railway
Movin', movin' down the line, Swingin', sway from side to side
They'll be rockin' an' a-rollin' won't you come for the ride of your lif
Now we're really moving, movin' to an' fro
Everyone around shouting "More! More! More!"
Can't get enough, can't get enough of these thrills
And just when you think you can't take any more
You'd better hang on tight 'cause here we go again
Slip slide come for the ride!


Rockin', rockin' on the railway, Rollin', rollin' on the railway
Movin', movin' down the line, Swingin', sway from side to side
They'll be rockin' an' a-rollin' won't you come for the ride of your life
Now Gordon's in a hurry, 'cause Thomas made him wait
We'll have to go much faster, we really can't be late
Soon the coach was rockin', it swayed from side to side
With the bath water spillin' and a-splashin' inside


Rockin', rockin' on the railway, Rollin', rollin' on the railway
Movin', movin' down the line, Swingin', sway from side to side
They'll be rockin' an' a-rollin' an' a-reelin' on the railway tonight!


Rockin', rockin' on the railway, Rollin', rollin' on the railway
Movin', movin' down the line, Swingin', sway from side to side
They'll be rockin' an' a-rollin' won't you come for the ride of your life
They'll be rockin' an' a-rollin' won't you come for the ride of your life
They'll be rockin' an' a-rollin' won't you come for the ride of your life
Come for the ride!




Удалённые и расширенные сцены[]

Интересные факты[]

  • Большая часть отснятого материала была ускорена, чтобы соответствовать идее этой песни.
  • Оригинальная, японская, испанская и британская VHS-версия этого музыкального клипа показывают расширенный кадр из «Томаса, Перси и почтового поезда», где Перси покидает Кнепфорд с почтовыми фургонами, а также расширенный кадр из «Нежных паровозов» с Томасом, Перси и Даком на трёх дорогах.
  • Версию без субтитров можно найти только на британском VHS «The Holidays».
  • В начале японской и латино-испанской версий свисток проводника намного длиннее.


  • Слова "and you hear his whistle blow," быстро сменяются на "and you 'here' his whistle blow", прежде чем появляются соответствующие субтитры. В этом же моменте Дункан ошибочно издаёт свисток Скарлоуи.

